Using sustainable crop protection strategies will help us to protect our crops and to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture. These include minimizing use of chemical pesticides, implementing crop rotation and bio-control methods. Additionally, these techniques can be used to avoid damaging wildlife and soil.
Crop rotation
Crop rotation is a technique to increase crop yield and improve the ecological environment. It can reduce soil erosion, enhance crop water use efficiency, and promote a healthy root system. This technique is now a key component of many national strategies.
Different crops require different nutrients from the soil. Crop rotations enable them to get the best nutrients from the soil. This results in greater resistance to extreme weather.
One of the most important aspects of crop rotation is the soil water cycle. Rotation increases soil organic matter and other beneficial bacteria. It also decreases surface runoff and evaporation from the planting system.
Rotation also has the ability to resist pests and diseases. Some of the most common diseases in agricultural systems are caused by pathogenic microorganisms. When plants are rotated, they are provided with non-host plants that limit the spread of these diseases.
A study has shown the benefits of crop rotation. It was found that the flue-cured tobacco-vetch rice rotation model increased the available phosphorus by 227.5%, and the alkali hydroxy nitrogen by 32.5%.
Crop rotations also help maintain soil moisture and reduce the impact of drought. Crops that have a deep root system such as legumes can significantly reduce the loss of nitrogen to ground water.
Other advantages of crop rotation include the reduction of weeds and soil erosion. Rotation also improves soil drainage.
Besides, the health of the soil is improved by the addition of a cover crop. Cover crops can be strategically planted and provide significant amounts of N for the succeeding crop.
Despite its advantages, it is important to remember that crop rotation is not a foolproof solution to all environmental challenges. If it is implemented correctly, it can address some of the most significant challenges that farmers face. For instance, it can increase crop yields and protect the environment while reducing the reliance on chemical fertilizers.
Furthermore, crop rotation is an effective strategy for increasing the resilience of an agricultural system to climate change. It reduces the chance of yield declines caused by extreme weather. It is therefore an essential part of a healthy farm system.

Gene editing CRISPR technology
CRISPR is a gene-editing technology that allows precise modifications to genetic information. This technology is gaining popularity among researchers and plant breeders. It has the potential to change the way we develop hybrids and produce high-quality agricultural products. The technology can also be used to enhance crop yield and photosynthetic machinery.
CRISPR technology is a promising way to produce climate-resilient crops. It can modify genes to increase resistance to abiotic stress and disease. A number of plants can be modified through CRISPR, including corn, soybean, maize, rice, wheat, and corn.
CRISPR technology has the potential to increase the yield of grain crops, enhance crop productivity, and improve grain quality. By using the technology, we can breed hybrids that maintain the vigor of their parents. The technology can also be used to engineer photosynthetic plants that produce higher yields and a better rate of photosynthetic activity.
CRISPR-based technologies have been introduced by many companies in the last few years to produce elite food crops. One example is the creation of high-yielding, drought-resistant rice lines. Another example is the creation of powdery mildew resistant tomato lines.
Several countries have questioned the use of GMOs and genome editing technologies. These issues have sparked debates about the ethical, economic, as well as environmental consequences of the use these techniques. However, these are questions that can be answered with careful research.
CRISPR technology research is ongoing. The application of this technology to crops has improved plant yields, improved the photosynthetic machinery, and increased grain quality. The technology has also helped to develop a wide variety of resistant crops.
Besides, the system has the potential to breed crops more precisely. It has the potential to improve photosynthetic machinery, to enhance crop nutrition, and to overcome abiotic stresses. Therefore, it has great potential to contribute to meeting SDG2 and SDG3.
Many crops can be engineered to resist disease via CRISPR/Cas9. For example, wheat is edited against powdery mildew. Corn is now drought-resistant. Other crops such as oil seeds rape (Brassica napus) and maize are also resistant to herbicides.
Currently, most of the applications of this technology are focused on large-acre crops. The future holds promise for small-scale farmers.
Methods of biological control
Biological control methods are a natural alternative for chemical pesticides. The techniques involve the collection and release of natural enemies to suppress pests. They also include the conservation of natural enemies.
Conservation biological control is the collection, preservation, and release of natural enemies before and after the growing season. It is used for a variety of crops. Depending on the specific target, the methods may be different.
One common practice in preservation biological control is to introduce natural enemies into greenhouses and then release them in the fields during the growing season. Other methods include the release and release of parasitoids or larval parasitoids. These are released with paper strips or other special carriers.
Prey and host plants are another important preservation technique. They can be used to support natural enemies. Habitat manipulation is often used in conjunction with this practice. Prey and host plants provide food resources for predatory bugs during times of prey scarcity. Selecting specific crops and using a diverse cropping system can increase biological control success rates.
Some of the important evaluation criteria for preservation practices are the effectiveness of natural enemies on the targeted pest and their population in the target fields. If predatory mites are not effective, then increasing the amount of pollen subsidies may be a good option.
Lady beetles and lacewings are some of the most common natural enemies. These predators are often released in large quantities.
Predatory mites are also supported by the consumption of pollen. Similarly, thrips are also supplemented with pollen to increase their rates of egg production. Often, these natural enemies are collected from orchards and field crops. To collect flying natural enemies, aspirator devices can be used.
The conservation of natural enemies is a cost-effective and simple method of pest control. Natural enemies are available in all environments, and can be easily observed and monitored. These creatures can be helped to increase and maintain their numbers by providing them with shelter and other resources.
The biodiversity of the environment can be severely affected by agricultural systems such as greenhouses and permanent crop production. These predators must be protected from pesticides in order to preserve their natural enemies.
Sanctions for breaches of the minimisation requirement
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Plant Protection Act (PPA) contain various requirements for minimizing the use of chemicals on agricultural land. These requirements are not all legally binding. These requirements may be transposed into the PPA as “hard regulations” in certain cases. Specifically, there are several key requirements that must be met in order to prevent fines.
A key requirement concerns untreated margins of fields that are adjacent to bodies of water. Also, buffer zones must be established in nature reserves and drinking-water protected areas. Operators must document their pesticide use in application logs. These data can be used to establish traceability.
Other targets include the creation of buffer zones and the creation of ecological focus areas. These areas require that farmers dedicate 5% of their arable land. Some of these zones are defined by hotspot analyses and are located in sensitive areas. Farmers who fail to comply may be subject to fines.
The CAP also has a requirement for “greening”. This means that farmers should adopt an integrated approach to plant protection and use non-chemical methods. Moreover, they should not develop chemical-synthetic PPPs, which are not permitted under the EC regulation on organic production.
Operators must also exercise due diligence before placing certain commodities onto the EU market. This is to ensure that products conform to country production laws and that they do not have unacceptable effects on the environment. These requirements require the establishment of an independent monitoring system. This system would be able to assess the effectiveness of regulations regularly and determine if individual users are reducing the use of chemicals.
While the NAP is a soft regulatory instrument, it is necessary to establish an independent monitoring system to ensure that these rules are being followed by all users. This will include monitoring the chemical use in application logs and the concentrations used. Also, operators should be required to check for pest pressure on the crops and to consider regional and local conditions.